BGP communities in use at AS50156
Boxed IT network route (originated or downlink) | 50156:50156 |
Received from transit provider | 50156:3000 |
Received from Unix-Solutions transit | 50156:3010 |
Received from IPWorks transit | 50156:3020 |
Received from BCH transit | 50156:3030 |
Received from Hurricane Electric transit | 50156:3040 |
Received from peering partner | 50156:4000 |
Received at BelgiumIX | 50156:4010 |
Received at BelgiumIX (direct peering) | 50156:4011 |
Received at BelgiumIX (through route server) | 50156:4012 |
Do not announce to any transit | 50156:10000 |
Do not announce to Unix-Solutions transit | 50156:10010 |
Do not announce to IPWorks transit | 50156:10020 |
Do not announce to BCH transit | 50156:10030 |
Do not announce to Hurricane Electric transit | 50156:10040 |
Do not announce to any peering | 50156:11000 |
Do not announce to BelgiumIX peering | 50156:11010 |
Prepend n [n of 1..4] times to Unix-Solutions transit | 50156:2001n |
Prepend n [n of 1..4] times to IPWorks transit | 50156:2002n |
Prepend n [n of 1..4] times to BCH transit | 50156:2003n |
Prepend n [n of 1..4] times to Hurricane Electric transit | 50156:2004n |
Prepend n [n of 1..4] times to BelgiumIX | 50156:2101n |
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